EIN Search

Traffic from SEO grew 404% compared to previous years



EIN Search is world-leading provider of compliance data & solutions.


No link building, and no growth over previous years

When we first started working with EIN Search their previous agency had totally neglected their SEO, in particular their link-building efforts. The content was left poorly optimised, and needed to be completely redone.


Optimisation of current content, and robust link building

Our first job was to give ourselves the best chance of success, so we ensure we had a good base to go out and build backlinks to. After sorting the page structure we then got into posting more content, and building backlinks that were going to force us up the rankings.

We then knew we needed a robust link-building plan to make sure we made up for lost time!

Organic search traffic soared

Working in just 8 months we’ve managed to increase traffic by over 4x previous years. And we still have a long way to go!

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